Saturday, September 30, 2017

Happy September!

I hope everyone had a fabulous September!  I haven't been painting.  I have made some cards from paintings that I did in the past and that's about it for art.  However, I have plans for 2 new projects.  A friend of mine just got back from a trip to Denmark, Sweden and Norway.  She said I could use one of her photos as a reference for a painting.  I'm also going to do BIG ART for Halloween:)  I'm going to paint our front window.  I had so much fun last year for Christmas that I decided to do some more.

The weather here has been perfect.  I love this time of year, except it makes me a little sad as the days get shorter.  I perk right up again on December 21 because I know they'll be getting longer and I can tell the difference by even a few minutes. 

I've been stopping by some blogs and I see that you have all been busy with art.  That inspires me.