Saturday, August 20, 2022

Drawing People! Yikes!

 I seldom draw or paint people, definitely not portraits.  This means I need practice.  I decided to draw my granddaughter, Jade, and her girlfriend, Daphne.  This drawing is pencil on 16"x20" drawing paper.  It's off.  I'm going to try again.  I finished drawing and whining to my husband about how hard this was last night.  This morning he showed me a video.  This is how it's done.  I totally cracked up.  I hope you guys think it's funny, too.

I don't understand how she does this, but she's awesome!



Saturday, August 13, 2022

Hello Out There!

 I should probably make some changes on my blog.  A lot of my blogging buddies have stopped posting.  I'm not keeping up with it very well, but I'm not giving up.  I can't bring myself to delete the links to the artists who have stopped blogging.  I enjoyed following them for years.  Does anyone know if Chris Lally is posting her art in a different place?  Any news on any of the others who have stopped?  Where did they go?

I'm still focusing on drawing.  I'm working on a drawing of my granddaughter and her friend right now.  I'll post it when I finish.  Don Andrews offers an online watercolor demo once a month and I usually watch that.  He and Martha are so much fun!  Jim and I still do the Daniel Smith Zoom meetings on Fridays.  


 Have a fabulous weekend!  Keep on making art!  Keep on posting!