Friday, September 18, 2009

What Would Julia Say?

In My Life in France, Julia Child describes this group of women she met in Germany as being nice, but "incurious". It made me wonder if she would think I was incurious (a very undesirable characteristic in her view). Then I realized that my wondering about it showed that I'm not incurious. Ha!

I think I would have liked to have been Julia's friend. What a life she led!


Autumn Leaves said...

I'd probably have driven Julia nuts. I am so curious that I never stop wondering and asking questions. It has caused me some minor problems in the workplace in the past. LOL

Candy said...

Autumn Leaves, I think Julia would have loved to be your friend. Even though you're usually not into memoirs or biographies, you should check out My Life in France. I must warn you, though, you will develop a strong desire to go to Paris:)

Autumn Leaves said...

That has been something I've always wanted to do anyway. I took 4 years of French in high school, 2 semesters while in college (the older I get, the more I forget, alas)...Maybe someday I will actually get to visit Paris! I think my heart will be en le rive gauche...


Hi Candy, I have seen and love your watercolours, beautiful!have a peaceful Sunday,