In My Life in France, Julia Child describes this group of women she met in Germany as being nice, but "incurious". It made me wonder if she would think I was incurious (a very undesirable characteristic in her view). Then I realized that my wondering about it showed that I'm not incurious. Ha!
I think I would have liked to have been Julia's friend. What a life she led!
I'd probably have driven Julia nuts. I am so curious that I never stop wondering and asking questions. It has caused me some minor problems in the workplace in the past. LOL
Autumn Leaves, I think Julia would have loved to be your friend. Even though you're usually not into memoirs or biographies, you should check out My Life in France. I must warn you, though, you will develop a strong desire to go to Paris:)
That has been something I've always wanted to do anyway. I took 4 years of French in high school, 2 semesters while in college (the older I get, the more I forget, alas)...Maybe someday I will actually get to visit Paris! I think my heart will be en le rive gauche...
Hi Candy, I have seen and love your watercolours, beautiful!have a peaceful Sunday,
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