Saturday, November 19, 2011

Waaaaaah!! This Is Really Hard!

This afternoon I went here to do a demo by Fabio Cembranelli.  Oh my goodness!  Let us say that my painting looks nothing like his.  The best thing I can say about my painting is that although none of my roses look like roses, one looks like a very large pansy:)  We have Thanksgiving break coming up, so my plan is to paint, paint, paint.

I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!


Cobalt Violet said...

I checked it out ... beautiful work but a little hard for me to see. Need a magnifying glass ... my vision stinks!
And by the way ... I love pansies! ;)

Pat said...

Hey, don't be disheartened, Candy - I wouldn't have pegged his flowers as roses, but more ranunculus :lol:
Keep up painting, you're doing it because its fun - remember :) xx

Autumn Leaves said...
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Anonymous said...

Dear Candy...None of my paintings ever look as I want them to look. I suspect you are too hard on thyself. I'm just glad you are painting and posting!! How's our handsome dad doing? And your mom?

Candy said...

Lucinda, I want to try to loosen up. I know what you mean about vision. I love pansies, too!

Thanks, Pat. You're absolutely right. It's fun and it's only a piece of paper:)

Sherry, don't worry, I'm not too hard on myself:) I'm having a blast! Dad is doing great. Of course, the jet ski is put away now. It was snowing there yesterday. My sister said they had gotten a foot and it was still snowing when I talked to her. Mom is coming out in about 2 weeks. She's moving here in January. Hooray!

Anonymous said...

So glad to know your mom will be nearby! And of course, that your dad is doing well too.

The first time I visited, the painting didn't load. I think it is awesome, Candy. So soft and feminine, such a Victoriana feel...

padmaja said...

I like the flow and spontaneity in this painting Candy!

Candy said...

Thank you, Pad! I'm coming over to see what you've been up to.