I would like to be the kind of person who would inspire a quote like this, "You didn’t have to be in a room with John to feel his kindness and his wild self. He’d often check in with family and friends on the phone, and unless it was sad news, the occasion of his call always brought a great blast of joy." This is a quote from Noel Hanlon about his friend John O'Donohue. Imagine bringing a great blast of joy to someone... Today is the first time I read a poem by John O'Donohue. I will read more. Do you read poetry? Whose writing do you enjoy? I love Mary Oliver's poetry and I believe I'm going to love the poetry of John O'Donohue.
I read Russian classics, at school and after, Pushkin, Lermontov, modern - Visotsky. Then we jumped into adult life and business life, so I was not interested in poetry at all. Now I see the signs everywhere, telling that I need go back to poems (this post of yours, giving me new names which I put into my notebook, thank you very much). But I can not read poetry, it makes me nervous, maybe it is too transparent and airy for my today condition.
That is beautiful. I would love to be that person too ... one who brings a blast of joy. Love works too ... a blast of Love. We can do that. :)
Irina...Russian classics. I wouldn't have been ready for Russian classics in my younger days. I've only recently felt ready for poetry and literature that I studied in college. After I retire, I should go back and study those things again so I can really understand them. I wish I could study with some of the same professors, but most of them are retired or gone now.
Lucinda, I'm glad you liked that quote. I also like the idea of a blast of love.
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