Sunday, April 28, 2013

Not A Lot Accomplished Today, But...

I didn't get a lot done today, but I had to post.  I put a piece of paper on my board and decided what to paint next:)  Here is a photo of my next subject - a rose from the pink queen in our backyard.

I'm so glad that the days are longer.  During the winter, I feel like going to bed at dark which is about 5:00 p. m. 

Well, lesson plans are done, clothes are ironed, we've had dinner and it's time to put a book on the Kindle and read until I fall asleep.  Does that sound like a good plan?  Have a wonderful week and keep on making your lovely art!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

If You Stand a Little Further Back...

If you stand a little further back - like maybe Tucson:)  Not quite finished with this one, but I wanted to post.  I have to keep painting and posting.  Otherwise, I won't get where I want to go.  I hope you're having a fabulous Sunday.  The weather here today is perfect - not too hot and not too cool.  The sun is shining and everyone seems happy.  I feel so sorry for my sister, Tammy, in Wisconsin - snow, snow and more snow!  I like snow, but at this time of year, I know everyone up north is ready for SPRING!


Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Little More Progress

I worked a little more on my Red Rock scene.  I'll have time to finish it tomorrow.


Sunday, April 14, 2013

WIP (Even a Little Progress Counts!)

I've started working on a painting of Red Rock Canyon.  Jim and I love the area.  It's about 30  minutes from our house.  I'm doing this from a photo that Jim took about 10 years ago.  I've got my sketch down and I've just started the first layer of color.  Even though I haven't gotten a lot done, I wanted to post so I stay in the habit. 

By the way, I gave Rosie and Briscoe each a bath today.  They look and smell terrific!


Friday, April 12, 2013

Rosie and Some of Her Favorite Roses

We have a pink climbing rose and a Joseph's Coat climbing rose in the southwest corner of our yard.  This year the weather has been spectacular and the roses are loving it.  Rosie loves her roses as you can see.


Sunday, April 7, 2013

I Love Her Work

Patricia Tobacco Forrester was an artist whose work I've mentioned here before.  I wish I'd taken a workshop from her.  Someday, I want to see her work in person.  Check out this link.
Patricia Tobacco Forrester

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy Anniversary to My Husband! (He actually reads my blog!)

Happy Anniversary, Baby!  I hope you have a wonderful day.  Take lots of pictures with your new camera.  I love you.