Saturday, April 11, 2015

My Sister and Friend

Here is a photo of my sister and her new friend Digit.  According to his owner, Digit is mellow.  Tammy doesn't look like she believes him:)



Chris Lally said...

I wouldn't believe him either. Love the friend's name!

Autumn Leaves said...

Don't blame her for thinking that way! LoL I'm scared of those animals!

Candy said...

Hi, Chris! I got a kick out of the name, too!

Sherry, I don't think I could have gotten even as close as she did:) said...

Is digit named because of the digits he has bitten off of people looking at him. Tell your sister to be careful! :)

Cool photo!

Candy said...

Ha-ha, Carol, that's a good guess! I don't know about her. She seems to have been living dangerously lately:)