Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Shuffle Off to Buffalo!

I removed the snowman painting from our front window on January 1.  I was wearing a sweatshirt, shorts and sandals.  I know we still have some winter days ahead of us, but I sure would like a long spring.  I like winter in the desert except for the short daylight hours.  I ask Alexa every morning, "Alexa, what time is sunrise?  What time is sunset?"  I've been doing this since December 21 (the shortest day) and I do a little dance with every minute of daylight that I gain.  Here is the winter painting I finished today.  Doesn't the snowman look like he's going to dance?  I may give him some tap shoes:)  I used masking fluid to preserve the white for the snow on the branches of the pines.  I may work on that a little more, but I'm done for now.


Jimmm said...

I LOVE it!!!

Candy said...

Thank you, Baby!

Chris Lally said...

Haha! He DOES look like he's dancing - probably because he is part of a very beautiful painting!

Candy said...

Thank you, Chris!

Haddock said...

Now that you have mentioned it, it sure looks like he is going to dance.

Candy said...

Haddock, I'm glad you agree. He just makes me laugh! Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

http://carolking.wordpress.com said...

LOVE your snowman and snow scene. He does look like he's a song and dance snowman. :-)

I, too, count each second as the days get longer. Happy New Year, Candy.

padmaja said...

Really cool Candy, one way to "enjoy" winter is to paint one I guess 😃

martinealison said...

Bonjour chère amie,

Simplement adorable...
Que cette année soit à la hauteur de vos espérances. Pleine de petits et grands bonheurs à savourer chaque jour de l’année.

Toute mon amitié.

Candy said...

Hi, Carol! Thank you. It's good to hear from you! I hope you're feeling more and more at home in NC each day.

Hi, Padmaja! I'm glad you like the winter painting. You're right this is one way to enjoy winter:)

Bonjour, Martine! Merci pour la visite. C'est si gentil de vous entendre. J'espère que tout va bien. A en juger par les belles photos que vous avez postées dans vos voyages, la vie est belle! Bonne année!
Câlins et bisous.