Saturday, January 12, 2019

My Latest Floral

I just finished this one. 


sandy said...

You are the fourth person besides myself who painted flowers recently that i know of. This is very pretty! I think we all have spring on the brain.

Candy said...

Thank you, Sandy! Yes, I definitely have spring on the brain. I'm coming over to check out your flowers.

Chris Lally said...

My new favorite, Candy :)

Candy said...

Thanks, Chris! This one was fun to do. Lately, I'm into doing larger paintings. This one is a half sheet and the one before is a full sheet.

Barbra Joan said...

Candy this is really lovely. Those blues are beautiful and I admire your courage to do larger paintings.. I'm such a wimp when it comes to working large...

Candy said...

Thank you, Barbra Joan! Your work is beautiful - you should go for it! I guarantee you will have fun.

Debra said...

Just lovely!

Candy said...

Thank you, Debra!

martinealison said...

Bonjour ma chère Candy,

Une belle note de couleurs et de poésie avec cette jolie chute de fleurs.
Magnifique !

Gros bisous 🌸

Candy said...

Bonjour Martine! Merci pour ton commentaire gentil! J'espère que vous passez une journée fabuleuse!
Câlins et bisous

padmaja said...

Refreshing like a new born baby!

Candy said...

Wow, Padmaja! What a nice thing to say! Thank you!

Cobalt Violet said...

This is so beautiful! It reminds me of this Japanese watercolorist I took from at the museum. So lovely!!
I love your new post too ... gratitude makes everything better!

Candy said...

Thank you, Lucinda! It's so good to hear from you! I'm waiting to see what your next trip is and the art that it inspires.