Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Free Online Demonstrations!

David R. Smith is offering several free online demos.  I like his work.  I took an online workshop from him last December.  He's a good teacher and he's a lot of fun.  He's offering more online workshops this summer and more free demos today, May7th and May 11th.  Here's the link for today's demo.

It's today (May 6th) at 3 p. m. Central Time. 

Here's the link to his web page.

 I watched his demo yesterday and enjoyed it.  Jim watched it with me.  He liked it, too.  He was a little distracted because his job was to keep Georgie entertained while we watched the demo.  We all had fun!


Chris Lally said...

Thanks for the link, Candy! His work is up there with Nita Engle's & Royland Roycraft's - the same gorgeous glow from rolling that paint around! Very generous of him to offer the free demos & so nice of you to mention them. Too bad Georgie doesn't appreciate Mr. Smith:)

Candy said...

Chris, I'm glad you like his work, too. Yes, it was very generous of him. Georgie was torn between having Jim throw his Kong toy for him and watching Mr. Smith, but the Kong toy won:)

Debbie Nolan said...

Candy so nice of you to share the link...will be checking it out. Hope all is well in your little corner of the world. Hugs!

Candy said...

Hi, Debbie! I hope you got to watch it. If not, there's one more on Monday. I decided to take another workshop from him in June. I'm particularly interested in the New York City project the moose in the mist. Should be fun.
