Sunday, March 28, 2010

Woo-hoo! Spring Break Is Not Just for College Kids!

For Autumn Leaves - a photo of the linen closet door which was done by the original owners, Connie and George.

It finally feels like spring. Our roses are on the verge of blooming. They all look healthy and have lots of buds. Jim gardened all day yesterday and today. We went to Star Nursery twice this weekend. Fun! There are three climbing roses in the corner. We planted them last spring. We also planted ground cover roses in front of the climbers last spring. Jim planted the pink bougainvillea yesterday. He planted purple, too.


Mary Paquet said...

I love your tales of the history of your home -- such good vibes. Nice to see that you've preserved some of its history and "funk" value. Love it.

I have two bougaenvillea that I just love. They almost die every year when we have a few nights of frost, inevitable in our valley, but they make a great comeback. Enjoy spring!

Randi@SowderingAbout said...

did they have really big bougainvillea plants?? Which nursery did you go to? I bought two a couple of weeks ago, but I wanted to get a couple that were more mature.

Also, I need to get a tomato plant, so I could pick up a couple bougainvillea while I am there too :)

and maybe two more rose bushes in the mean time.

Autumn Leaves said...

Oh my gosh, Candy!! Thank you so much for posting that door! I've dying to see it and it was well worth the wait! I hope that it is sealed to help preserve that gorgeous painting! Did they commission that or did one of the previous owners paint it? 'Course...the flowers are pretty too...LOLOL Have a great spring break, my friend! My granddaughter is off next week.

Candy said...

Thanks, Mary! We had one once before. Frost got it, but it came back. However, Rosie (our Lab) got it after that... I think she has grown out of eating plants.

Randi, check out Star Nursery on Boulder Highway - only $16.00! We didn't look at the roses while we were there, but we picked up some tomato plants and they look healthy.

Sherry, the door is cool, but they didn't paint it. It's fifty-year-old wallpaper. I hope you're not disappointed.

Oh-oh. It doesn't sound like you get spring break. Babysitting, are you?

Autumn Leaves said...

Yep, babysitting. But it is the least I can do. I'm not bringing any income to the place and it is a point which I believe my husband resents, especially with my daughter and granddaughters living here. All is not well in my household these days. I suspect I am by and large the progenitor. Nope, not disappointed in the wallpapered door. It still looks cool to me. Your mom comes today!!

Deb Harvey said...

Your linen closet door is wonderful! Thank you for sharing it with us!

I really enjoyed seeing your garden, too. It's beautiful. I don't think bougaenvillea do very well in Oregon, but they are one of my favorites.

Candy said...

Sherry, don't worry. You'll find the perfect job. It's too bad things aren't going smoothly for you right now. Maybe your daughter will be able to be on her own soon. It can be stressful for everyone when a son or daughter moves back home.

Deb, thanks! We're waiting for everything to bloom. I'll post some pictures of the rest of the yard when things bloom and the grass is all green.

Anonymous said...

We're supposed to get snow next week. It will be months before I see green grass again...