Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Guess what was waiting for me when I came home from school today?

I just got home from school.  I checked the mailbox and the book I ordered on Chris Lally's recommendation had arrived!  Hooray!


martinealison said...

Bonjour chère amie,

J'imagine la frénésie que vous avez dû ressentir en feuilletant cet ouvrage...
Je suis certaine que vous allez bien travailler !

Gros bisous 🌸

Barbra Joan said...

Candy, thanks for the visit to my blog. I see we follow many of the same blogs.
Yes, that's a good quote, and one I really feel myself.
Love getting a new art book.. It's where I've learned everything.
Off to see your writings and art.

Candy said...
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Candy said...

Barbra Joan, thank you for stopping by. I enjoyed your blog and I'll visit again.

Chris Lally said...

Candy, so glad you received it! When I got Nita's book, I just gorged on the artwork. After taking her workshop, though, I went back and actually read the book. It reinforced everything I learned at the workshop. She is a treasure. Hope you reap many benefits from it!!

Candy said...

Bonjour, chère Martine! Oui, c'était très excitant pour obtenir le livre. Je ne peux pas attendre pour essayer certaines des techniques. Merci pour la visite! Comme vous le savez, j'adore vos tableaux et votre blog!

Candy said...

Chris, I love the book already! I started reading it last night.

Autumn Leaves said...

I am always interested in what inspires people! I wish I could read cover to cover all of my art books but alas...I tend to fall away from them about the time I get through the necessary tools (i.e., pencils, sizes, paints, papers...)

Cobalt Violet said...

Good tip! Sounds like you like it!