I should probably make some changes on my blog. A lot of my blogging buddies have stopped posting. I'm not keeping up with it very well, but I'm not giving up. I can't bring myself to delete the links to the artists who have stopped blogging. I enjoyed following them for years. Does anyone know if Chris Lally is posting her art in a different place? Any news on any of the others who have stopped? Where did they go?
I'm still focusing on drawing. I'm working on a drawing of my granddaughter and her friend right now. I'll post it when I finish. Don Andrews offers an online watercolor demo once a month and I usually watch that. He and Martha are so much fun! Jim and I still do the Daniel Smith Zoom meetings on Fridays.
Have a fabulous weekend! Keep on making art! Keep on posting!
It does seem like so many who were active bloggers have quit completely or gone over to Facebook but I don’t think Chris has done that. I expected her to start up soon after her last post so I hope nothing is wrong. We do make friends of our blogger buddies even if we never meet in person - and Facebook is pretty impersonal = you get a like or two or three but rarely get any comments. Oh, well, the sign of the times, I guess. I hope you do continue. For some reason I cannot delete or add blogs to my sidebar anymore and don’t know what the problem is. I’ve tried doing it on the iPad and on the desktop but both let me go through the motions and then no change!! The weather is finally breaking here with lower temps = <85 is great with less humidity and we hope it lasts!! Hope you are having cooler weather but no storms or floods or fires!
Bonjour chère amie,
Je vous remercie infiniment pour votre adorable message laissé sur ma dernière publication.
De mon côté, je suis extrêmement triste de voir que beaucoup des membres de la blogosphère ont déserté.
Je comprends que cela puisse prendre du temps de publier et que nombreux vont sur des réseaux sociaux comme Facebook, Instagram. Je vais sur ces réseaux sociaux également. Toutefois, je tiens à faire vivre à mon rythme mon blog que je considère plus comme un journal personnel.
Je suis heureuse que vous puissiez travailler et j'ai hâte de pouvoir admirer votre prochaine peinture.
Je vous souhaite un excellent été.
Gros bisous à bous
Hi, Rhonda! Thanks for stopping by. That's weird about your problem with deleting and adding to your sidebar. That kind of thing drives me crazy. Your weather sounds great. It's still hot and humid here, but I can see a change in the light, so I think it'll cool down in a couple of weeks. So glad you're still blogging. You were one of the first people I talked to when I first started blogging. You were very encouraging:)
Hello, Martine! I'm so happy to hear from you. I feel the same way about my blog. It truly is like a personal diary. Sometimes, I look back on old posts and the memories come flooding back. I love your art. It always makes me happy. I love your photos, too. I'm looking forward to seeing your next painting.
Hugs and kisses to you!
Bonjour Martine ! Je suis si heureux de vous entendre. Je ressens la même chose à propos de mon blog. C'est vraiment comme un journal intime. Parfois, je repense à d'anciens messages et les souvenirs reviennent. J'aime votre art. Cela me rend toujours heureux. J'adore tes photos aussi. J'ai hâte de voir ta prochaine peinture.
Des câlins et des bisous à vous!
Hi Candy,
I have not stopped blogging. I like Instagram too, Facebook not so much. But I am blogging every day, and I like blogs because people tend to say more.
Keep blogging please.
Barbara, I'm with you. I love blogs for the same reason.
Hugs from very sunny Las Vegas!:)
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