Saturday, August 20, 2022

Drawing People! Yikes!

 I seldom draw or paint people, definitely not portraits.  This means I need practice.  I decided to draw my granddaughter, Jade, and her girlfriend, Daphne.  This drawing is pencil on 16"x20" drawing paper.  It's off.  I'm going to try again.  I finished drawing and whining to my husband about how hard this was last night.  This morning he showed me a video.  This is how it's done.  I totally cracked up.  I hope you guys think it's funny, too.

I don't understand how she does this, but she's awesome!




Barbara Muir said...

Hi Candy,

I'm so sorry we artists are soooo hard on ourselves. Okay wonder woman turning out
a million portraits is an anomaly, but most of us are fine. I like the drawing. Don't let nerves, or comments from others stop you. The portrait is great.


Candy said...

Thanks, Barbara! I'm heading over to your blog to see what you're up to.